
Discografia - Mercy Playground

Da esquerda para a direita: Shlomi Lavie, Dylan Keefe, John Wozniak
Marcy Playground é uma banda de rock alternativo americana, composta por três membros: John Wozniak (vocais, guitarra), Dylan Keefe (baixo), e Shlomi Lavie (bateria).” A banda é mais conhecida pelo seu hit de 1997 ” Sex and Candy “. Marcy Playground surgiu no final dos anos 1990. Eles foram fortemente influenciados por Kurt Cobain e sua banda Nirvana . O primeiro esforço de John Wozniak , Zog BogBean – From the Marcy Playground , foi auto-produzido e gravado em seu quarto-estudio ou estudio-quarto, com alguma ajuda de sua então namorada Sherry Fraser e seu irmão, Scott. Uma pequena remessa de CDs eram auto-lançado por Wozniak, e eles continuam extremamente difíceis de encontrar até hoje( Eu tenho Hehehe) . "Our Generation" e "The Dog And His Master" iria aparecer mais tarde nos albúns do Marcy Playground.

Zog Bogbean - From the Marcy Playground - 1990
1 Our Generation
2 Hear My Train a Coming
3 The Dog and His Master
4 John Fisher Ford
5 People Are People
6 The Ballad of Aslan
7 From the Marcy Playground
8 Alice and Everything
9 Twinkle by Joe
10 The Tale of Captain McGuire
11 My Favorite Tree in Fall
12 Here Comes Summer

Marcy Playground - 25 de Fevereiro de 1997
1 Poppies
2 Sex and Candy
3 Ancient Walls of Flowers
4 Saint Joe on the School Bus
5 A Cloak of Elvenkind
6 Sherry Fraser
7 Gone Crazy
8 Opium
9 One More Suicide
10 Dog and His Master
11 The Shadow of Seattle
12 The Vampires of New York

Shapeshifter - 02 de Novembro de 2009
1 It's Saturday
2 America
3 Bye Bye
4 All the Lights Went Out
5 Secret Squirrel
6 Wave Motion Gun
7 Rebel Sodville
8 Sunday Mail
9 Pigeon Farm
10 Never
11 Love Bug
12 Our Generation

MP3 - 23 de Março de 2004
1 Spoonfed
2 Blood in Alphabet Soup
3 No One's Boy
4 Hotter Than the Sun
5 Rock and Roll Heroes
6 Jesse Went to War
7 Flag and Finger
8 Deadly Handsome Man
9 Punk Rock Superstar
10 Paper Dolls
11 Death of a Cheerleader
12 Brand New Day


Leaving Wonderland...In A Fit Of Rage - 07 de Julho de 2009
1 Blackbird

2 Devil Woman
3 Gin and Money
4 Star Baby
5 I Burned the Bed

6 Irene
7 Emporer
8 Good Times
9 I Must Have Been Dreaming
10 Memphis
11 Thank You
12 Down the Drain

Indaba Remixes From Wonderland - 2010
1. Blackbird (Max Kourilov Remix)
2. Memphis (Thomas Leclercq Remix)
3. I Must Have Been Dreaming (Soundminister Remix)
4. Star Baby (Star Capella Baby Remix)
5. Gin And Money (Ben Crea Remix)
6. I Burned The Bed (Metal Monger Mix)
7. Blackbird (Assaf Spector Remix)
8. Devil Woman (Orby Spectre Remix)
9. Emperor (Chinese Emperor Remix)
10. Good Times (Jus Bus Remix)
11. Irene (Spoon Mix)
12. Thank You (James Merrifield Remix)
13. Down The Drain (Morescode Remix)

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